3 – Etre acteur de sa vie (PNL-Cours Gratuits Bases)

La PNL nous montre que quelque soit notre évolution, nous ferrons toujours face à des contraintes externes. Être acteur de sa vie consiste à acquérir de nouveaux reflexes, et développer ainsi, de plus en plus, nos capacités à être « acteur » et « créateur » de notre vie. La différence entre celui qui subit et celui qui croit est à la fois infime et immense. Il s’agit d’un état d’esprit, un mode de communication avec soi-même et les autres. Oui, il n’est pas plus difficile de réussir ou d’échouer, seules les stratégies changent… Mais regardez plutôt…

2 – Les préceptes de base (PNL-Cours Gratuits Bases)

L’ensemble des outils PNL repose sur 4 grands piliers qui sous-tendent le développement humain. Vous découvrirez l’impact de l’apprentissage et de l’évolution, sous-tendu par nos relations verbales et non verbales, elles-mêmes sous-tendues par nos émotions, qui sont la conséquence de ce sur quoi nous focalisons notre esprit. Ainsi, nos perceptions conditionnent nos sentiments, qui conditionnent à leur tour nos relations et par conséquent, notre évolution. Mais regardez plutôt…

1 – Que veut dire PNL ? Origines de la PNL (PNL-Cours Gratuits Bases)

Découvrez une présentation succincte de la PNL avec Paul Pyronnet. Découvrez ce qui sous-tend cette approche pragmatique du développement humain développée par John Grinder et Richard Bandler, fondateurs de cette approche de la PNL.

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Reprendre le dessus sur son destin | Diane Ducret | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

« It ceases to be free when one accepts the word impossible »
At age 14, she switches, in every sense of the word. The accident is serious and the final verdict: Diane Ducret will never again walk as before. What will happen if one does not accept the inevitable? Standing on the stage of TEDxWomen standing « as before », she tells her story

born in Belgium in 1982. After a childhood in the Basque country, she enrolled in the hypokhâgne Molière high school before going to Paris to study in Rome. It then passes a history of mastering the philosophy at the Sorbonne Paris IV, and supports a thesis on « Scientific modernity and the thought of the transcendental Husserl » and a Master in the same specialty dealing with « Death as critical of all: reading the Star of Redemption Franz Rosenzweig. « Then she will undertake a teaching of contemporary philosophy at the Ecole Normale Superieure. Diane Ducret, polyglot, then collaborated in the writing of historical documentaries on France 3 for transmission Roots and wings and led, in 2009 the Forum of history on the History Channel.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Quand tomber, permet d’y voir plus clair | Fanny Guibouret | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

This is the story of a woman who managed her life Fanny Guibouret fought to get to the end of its goal to succeed in life, not just professional. His dream of living in Japan to disillusionment in Morocco, that jolts. Prior to combine career success and the mother of life …

Born in Epinal 20 July 1979. I lived abroad for the first three years of my life and in the Paris region until I was 12 years old when I went to live in New Caledonia for 5 years.
At 17, I went to Tokyo as an au pair for 6 months.
I returned to France in September 1997 to take classes of hotel in Besancon. A year later, I got my degree and began hotelier working life.
In September 1998, I started my career at the Hyatt Regency Paris Charles de Gaulle as a receptionist where I quickly evolved. After 5 years in this hotel, I was transferred to Morocco, at the Hyatt Regency Casablanca as Front Office Manager. I stayed almost 10 years in Morocco and the last position I held was Director of the hotel.
In March 2013, back in Paris, I was appointed as General Manager of the Hôtel du Louvre, a position I still hold today. It’s been almost 17 years since I worked and fulfilled me in the company Hyatt.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Ou comment concilier l’amour des sciences et de la nature | Delphine Guey | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

And if the public, misinformed, was wrong? And if the GMO production was not a disaster? This is what defends Delphine Guey, Director of Public Affairs of the French seed sector, as part of this talk ..

I work for over 16 years which is the inter Gnis the French seed sector. The Gnis (National Interprofessional Association for Seeds and seedlings) brings together all the actors of French agriculture from companies annually create over 600 new plant varieties, specialized farmers in seed multiplication and seedlings, Companies that condition, and distributors who sell to farmers will sow. All these actors work collectively to provide seeds that allow our farmers to produce more and more healthy food, more and more diverse, and always practices more respectful of the environment.
Engineer in plant biotechnology, I am responsible for public relations, press relations and the development of institutional communication strategy.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Une déferlante sur les idées reçues | Marion Poizeau | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Marion Poizeau, sparkling director, talks about the crazy adventure that led her to create « Into the Sea », the feature that tells how four women have introduced surfing in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Poizeau Marion is a French filmmaker who grew up in the Alps. His passion for extreme sports and the great outdoors has inspiréeà make his first start in pictures and video. ?? Since it does not stop to realize filmset to travel. She loves to fly and get lost … creatively communicate, share and build projects without frontières.Son last feature film « Into the Sea » about the history of surfing in the women in Iran has already made the rounds the globe. Unehistoire Persian she continues to write with an Iranian group with whom she created the association « We surf in Iran » .Animée not her dreams and her curiosity, she limitless journey, his camera in hand

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

La lutte contre le sexisme, un combat pour rassembler | Brigitte Gresy | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Brigitte Grésy, General Secretary of the Higher Council of equality, professional returns to a cause close to his heart: equality between men and women. She is an angry woman but a woman full of hope.

Associate grammar, she taught several years before joining the Ministry of Industry, on leaving the Ecole Nationale d’Administration. She then devoted for more than fifteen years to questions of equality between men and women, first as Chief
Women’s rights service of service and equality and then as Chief of Staff of the Minister in charge of these issues. Appointed general inspector for social affairs, she was commissioned by the Ministers of equal development of several reports: the image of women in the media in 2008 and instead of experts in 2011 (Committee on image
Women in the media), professional equality between women and men in 2009, the equal access of women and men in work and family responsibilities in 2011, a study on male stereotypes in 2012 and in December 2012 a report on equality between girls and boys in the small of host institutions
childhood. She is now a member of the High Council for Equality and Secretary General of the Higher Council for Professional Equality.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Parce que la danse n’a qu’un temps | Muriel Zusperreguy | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Muriel Zusperreguy ballerina and principal dancer at the Paris Opera dare expose his anxiety about retirement awaits implementation in five years

A native of the Basque Country, where she began dancing with Jacqueline Arbo, she returned to the School of the Paris Opera Dance in 1988 under the direction of Claude Bessy. In 1994, she joined the corps de ballet of the Paris Opera.
Promoted « Coryphée » in 1999, it is already selected by leading contemporary choreographers such as Pina Bausch’s Rite of Spring for Jiri Kylian and giving it the leading role in Bella Figura.
In 2001 she was promoted to « Subject.
In 2007 she was promoted to « First Dancer.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx