L’urbanisme, vecteur d’inégalités ? | Sybil Cosnard | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Sybil Cosnard talks about the non-presence of women in urban planning and the design of public spaces. Sybil Cosnard has worked in various fields actors in the city: in Évry, as Director of Planning, but also in a promoter and within development structures. Convinced of the need to change the way cities are conceived, she founded CITY Linked in 2010, a consulting agency in urban planning that accompanies many city decision-makers in defining their development strategies and in the implementation of their projects. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Harceler n’est pas jouer ! | Johanna Dagorn & Arnaud Alessandrin | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

They remind us all how strong the violence against women can be Johanna DAGORN has a doctorate in educational sciences, she has been in charge of the fight against gender-based violence at the ministerial delegation in charge of the prevention and fight against violence in schools. She coordinates the Regional Union of Information Centers for the Rights of Women and Families in Aquitaine, she is a researcher at the International Observatory of Violence in Schools, Associate Researcher at LACES (EA 4143) at the University of Bordeaux. Her main work focuses on: Feminism (s), Gender Violence, Sexism, Discrimination, Precarious Women, School Violence, Exclusion phenomena.

Arnaud Alessandrin holds a doctorate in sociology from the University of Bordeaux, where he defended his thesis entitled ‘From’ transsexualism ‘to trans-becoming’ (2008-2012). He is currently a lecturer and teaches the sociology of gender and discrimination. He co-directed (with E. Macé) the seminar « What gender norms do to trans bodies / what trans bodies do to gender norms » from 2008 to 2011. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the subject of trans-identities, gender and homophobia: « Transidentity » (Harmattan, 2011); « The Transyclopedia » with K. Espineira and M-Y. Thomas (wings on a tractor, 2012) « Geography of Homophobia »; with Y. Raibaud (Armand Colin, 2013); « Kind! With B. E-Bellebeau, a book that brings together more than 40 authors around 70 gender fact sheets (wings on a tractor, 2014); « Sociology of Transphobia » with K. Espineira (MSHA, 2015). His latest book entitled « Fan and Gender Studies: The Meeting » (directed by Mélanie Bourdaa) has just been published. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Comment Game of Thrones m’a ouvert les yeux ? | Iris Brey | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Iris Brey examines the presence of the male gaze in television and film and its consequences while analyzing the mechanisms that can create a female gaze and how it could start a cultural revolution. Iris Brey is a Franco-American film and TV series critic specialized in questions of feminism and gender. She wrote the book Sex and the Series (Soap Editions) in 2016, which explores the representation of women’s sexualities in American series. She also directed Sex and the Series, a documentary series for OCS on five fictional heroines that changed the way we view sex. Iris Brey is a critic for the weekly cultural magazine Les Inrockuptibles, and for the radio shows La Dispute and L’Instant M on public radios France Culture and France Inter. She holds a Ph.D. in French literature and cinema
from New York University, and she teaches film on the Parisian campus of the University of California.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Championne de France de cyber-harcèlement | Marion Seclin | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Marion Seclin explain that face to cyber harassment there is law, education and, in the eyes of people, social control. She was born in 1990 in Paris. After a bachelor’s degree in theater, she entered Claude Mathieu School to pursue her passion for theater. She integrates some modeling agencies to pay for her studies. After graduating in 2011, she starts playing in her friends’ videos on the Internet. Later she meets Fabrice Florent, the creator of the site Madmoizelle.com for which she writes and turns videos. It also includes Studio Bagel, comic strip collective acquired by Canal + in 2013.
Marion writes fiction and short films as well as instructional videos on feminism. It wants to offer the younger generation the tools it has missed growing up, to dramatize certain topics, and allow everyone to understand the society in which we live, to live as happily as possible.
Since the beginning of the school year, she presents a lozenge on Cana +, This week Madame, parodic show that denounces the sexism ordinary, while developing parallel scenarios of series and movies. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Le harcèlement de rue | Fatima-Ezzahra Ben-omar | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Founder of the feminist association Les Effronté-e-s, Fatima convince us that may be one solution to violence could be developping the importance of sorority. Born in Morocco and very imprint of humanist principles taught by her parents, Fatima Benomar arrived in France at the age of 17 years. In 2009, she became a member of the office of Dare Feminism, responsible for the « professional equality ». During the 2012 presidential campaign, she supported the Left Front and dealt with feminist issues. Convinced that there are no women’s rights that can be enforced or conquered under the yoke of austerity policies and without calling into question the ancestral myths of the Patriarchate, she co-founded the association Les coupades et publie the book « Feminism: the unfinished revolution! » in 2013, published by Bruno Leprince. She holds a BFA and a diploma in cinematography and is attracted to all forms of artistic expression, writing, film and drawing. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

La france est une mosaïque de culture, soyons fiers ! | Sylvie Ohayon | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Novelist, screenwriter, director.
Coming from a Muslim father and a Jewish mother, I thought that I was legitimate to intervene on the mix.

Sylvie Ohayon spent her childhood in the city of 4000 in La Courneuve, which she left in 1996. After studying letters, she became creative in advertising.
Sylvie Ohayon is the author of four novels all published by Éditions Robert Laffont 2: Papa was not a Rolling Stone, which received the prize of Closerie des Lilas in20113, Les Bourgeoises in 2012, Good to (re) marry in 2014 and One against the other4 in January 2015.
She co-adapted her first two novels with Sylvie Veyrhède.
After Papa was not a Rolling Stone5,6, released in 2014, Les Bourgeoises will be his second realization.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Le féminisme, les hommes, la liberté et moi | Marie Beauchesne | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Founder of Ypsylone, a women’s ready-to-wear company.
The new feminism is not equality but the freedom to be, at any moment

Feminist. She is the founder of Ypsylone – ready-to-wear feminine inspired and worn by women who tell their story each month through collections of characters.
Marie studied at Sciences Po Paris, then worked a few years in digital communication while taking evening classes in styling and sewing. In 2015 she took over entrepreneurship training at PSL and integrated the Startup Leadership Program.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Bâtir la mixité aujourd’hui. | Robin Sappe | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Booxup startup manager. Sharing his experience at Cari (building sector) to enable diversity of gender.
Do not silence your convictions, embody them: nothing is never acquired. And we must act.

Director of CSR, then Director of HR Development at CARI from 2005 to 2010, then Director of Human Resources of the SOS Group, the first European social enterprise, 37 years old, graduated from IEP and MS RH from ESSEC,
It has enabled the success of gender diversity. Experience in the development of gender equality in the construction sector, often considered « masculine »: the example of CARI.
Today he runs the start up Booxup, which developed a mobile application for sharing paper books between individuals, which he co-founded.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Où en sont les hommes ? | Marie-Christine Maheas | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Head of business development of Silverrail Technologies.
If few men do not engage in favor of mixing, it is for three reasons: fear, ignorance, and apathy. Manhood is a power but it is also a burden.

Franco-Canadian trained in general management at the Harvard Business School, Marie-Christine Mahéas is an engineer specializing in mathematics applied to industrial issues. During her career in Canada and Europe, she has successively headed the Canadian Armed Forces, American Airlines / Saber, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Atos and CGI.
Former President of Professional Women’s Network (PWN – 800 members in Paris) from 2011 to 2013, founder of the Prix Entrepreneure Responsible PWN and coordinator of the Observatoire de l’Equilibre Men-Femmes (OEHF), she led the collective book « Mixité , When men engage « (Eyrolles 2015), translated in 2016, » Gender balance, when men step up « (Eyrolles 2016). It has been committed to gender balance in the workplace for more than 10 years and is working more specifically on this subject in the dialogue between men and women.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Comment je suis devenue féministe freelance | Eloise Bouton | TEDxChampsElyseesWomen

Independent journalist for the Obs, Brain magazine and Glamor.
There is not a feminism but feminism. There is no woman but women. Feminism is a struggle against patriarchy that dictates the codes of our society.

A graduate of the Institut Francais de Presse (IFP) in Paris II-Assas and a Master 2 professional in bilingual French-English journalism (Paris III), she began studying for L’Obs, La Tribune and Rolling Stone in 2006 Before working for one year for a communication agency and for six months for a digital music label.
She now works as an independent journalist and journalist in society and culture, including L’Obs, Brain magazine and Glamor, and specializes in women’s rights, feminism and hip-hop.
After a quick passage through Osez la Féminisme, she campaigned at La Barbe for a year and then at Femen, of which she left in February 2014. She is now a feminist militant « sans étiquette », a member of the collective of women journalists Prenons la Une, And collaborates punctually with various individuals and associations including La Barbe, Georgette Sand, Human Rights for Tou-te-s and Midi Minuit du Matrimoine and the Institute for Reproductive Health.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx